Monday, February 21, 2011

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

I walk alone. I walk alone.

it's raining the streets are empty it's dark I've got my ipod in.

I walk alone. I walk alone.

i don't have any shoes on I'm on a road that looks like it has no end there are just fields on either side of me
I walk alone. I walk alone. 

in my head I see all the people that I've disappointed, everyone that I've ever been rude too, all the people I wasn't brave enough to talk to

I walk alone. I walk alone.

I start running to find the end of loneliness but I never do because I walk alone. I walk alone. I start seeing all the people that have hurt me or done me wrong and I realize I don't want to find the end of the road because all of that stuff will just repeat itself because I was meant to walk alone. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I'm thinking about you

I'm thinking about you like peanut butter thinks about jelly, like a pregnant women think about their belly. I'm thinking about you like addicts think about drugs, like grass thinks about bugs, like hot chocolate thinks about mugs, like New York thinks about thugs. I'm thinking about you like the moon thinks about the stars, like rockstars think about gituars, like drunks think about bars. I'm thinking about you like a pen thinks about ink, like pigs think about pink, like a genius thinks about I'm thinkin bout you like zippers think about zipping, like sippy cups think about sipping. I'm thinking about you like a car thinks about gas, like beans think about gas. I'm thinking about you like thunder thinks about rain, like boxers think about pain, I'm thinkin about you cause you're the only thing on my brain.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

you are under Direct Orders to rock out

rock out like you just bought a new pair of shoes
rock out like you just won a game
rock out like a state champion
rock out like there is no volume limit on your ipod
rock out like its a Friday
rock out because your parents extended your curfew
rock out because your almost done with high school
rock out like its a national holiday and you don't have to set your alarm
rock out like you didn't fail
rock out cause your parents are still around and are still together.
rock out like it will fix all your problems
rock out like your on the top of Everest
rock out like you just out ran the cops
rock out like you just got your first kiss
rock out like its December 20, 2012
rock out like he just smiled at you
rock out like your mom just made brownies
rock out like its our birthday
rock out like your home alone and you can do whatever you want
rock out like your favorite band just came to town and you just won tickets on the radio
rock out like you just got your braces off
rock out like your parents are proud
rock out like you just got your school pictures back and they actually look good
rock out like your favorite store is having a sale 
rock out like you just realized life goes on
rock out like your in the audience for "Oprah's favorite things" show