Saturday, February 12, 2011

I'm thinking about you

I'm thinking about you like peanut butter thinks about jelly, like a pregnant women think about their belly. I'm thinking about you like addicts think about drugs, like grass thinks about bugs, like hot chocolate thinks about mugs, like New York thinks about thugs. I'm thinking about you like the moon thinks about the stars, like rockstars think about gituars, like drunks think about bars. I'm thinking about you like a pen thinks about ink, like pigs think about pink, like a genius thinks about I'm thinkin bout you like zippers think about zipping, like sippy cups think about sipping. I'm thinking about you like a car thinks about gas, like beans think about gas. I'm thinking about you like thunder thinks about rain, like boxers think about pain, I'm thinkin about you cause you're the only thing on my brain.


  1. Pretty good. Just watch out for those grammatical errors!

  2. This is great!!! I love the rhyming!! good job!
